Çerez Örnek

Vision & Mission & Quality & Assessment

In parallel with the mission of Ege University, the mission of the School of Foreign Languages is;

  • To provide quality education for learners of all faculties and vocational schools in order to reach a level at which they will be competent enough to follow the lessons in their faculties and departments.
  • To train and encourage students to research and learn during their educational processes.
  • To promote language skills by providing programmes that will improve their critical thinking skills and help them follow publications in the foreign language.
  • To be an institution whose organisational culture and identity is strong and which delivers foreign language education programmes equivalent to the ones at qualified universities across the world.


  • Being scientific
  • Universality
  • Social effectiveness
  • Contemporaneity
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Contribution
  • Reliability


  • To maintain quality in education
  • To motivate research
  • To value academic merit and success
  • To respect universal values and human rights
  • To have ethical values
  • To consider nationalism together with universality
  • To be sensitive to nature
  • To pursue an administration policy open to improvement
  • To use resources effectively
  • To be fair and consistent in administration
  • To consider freedom together with discipline


Ege University School of Foreign Languages aims to deliver high quality programmes in an environment which supports student success. To do this, a range of policies have been designed to safeguard academic standards and the quality of learning.

Ege University School of Foreign Languages commits itself to achieving the goals identified in the Strategic Plan and developing a Quality Culture within the school.

Ege University School of Foreign Languages is currently developing Quality Assurance principles so that quality in education is improved. The Council of Academic Assessment and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (YÖDEK) are responsible for the continuity of the quality improvement plans nationwide and the commission of Ege University Academic Evaluation Committee (EU ADEK) and Ege University School of Foreign Languages adhere to the principles of its policy.

The Quality Cycle of Ege University School of Foreign Languages reveals the inherent components of quality, which are accountability, improvement, reflection, critical thinking, self-evaluation and reliability, achieved by the communication within all sites including the Senior Management, Curriculum Unit, Teacher Development Unit, Assessment, learners and all staff.


Assessment Procedures
Formal assessment procedures used by the English Unit include formative and summative assessments. The formative assessment involves midterm exams. They provide qualitative feedback for both the students and the instructors on their performance and the programme. Summative assessment involves the Exemption Exam and the Final Exam, which are aimed to monitor the educational outcomes. The details of the assessment procedures are as follows:

Midterm Exams
At Pre-elementary and Elementary levels, midterm exams include 3 written exams and 2 speaking exams per semester. Written exams include Listening Comprehension, Use of English, Reading Comprehension and Writing Parts.
At Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Advanced levels, midterm exams include 3 written exams, 1 speaking exam and 1 presentation per semester. Written exams consist of Note-taking, Core, Reading Comprehension and Writing Parts. Course instructors score the exam papers.
Two instructors give speaking exams. Student’s performance is evaluated according to a rubric and the assessment score is written in a way that cannot be seen by the student.

Final Exam
The Final Exam includes a Listening Part (10 points), Use of English Part (30 points) and Reading Comprehension Part (40 points), all of which are comprised of multiple choice questions checked by an optical reader. The Writing Part (20 points) of the Final, Summer School and Make-up exams is evaluated by a group of assessors. These groups are arranged as first and second check group and third check and listing group. Papers are distributed to the first group in equal numbers by the writing coordinator. The exam papers are evaluated according to a given rubric. Each paper is evaluated twice by a different instructor. Mean scores are calculated by the second group. If the difference is more than 5 points, third assessor evaluates the paper and calculates the mean point*.

Exemption Exam
The Exemption Exam is given to students who want exemption from the Preparatory Class Programme and who want to start directly to their department first year programme. Those who have scored 70 points pass the exam. Exemption Exam includes Use of English Part (50 points) and Reading Comprehension Part (50 points), all of which are comprised of multiple choice questions checked by an optical reader.

* The content of the Exemption Exam and Final Exam for the ELLTIS groups is different from the exams for other groups. Students are also given a speaking exam (100 points). 70% of the written exam and 30% of the speaking exam are added to calculate the exam result.

Ege Üniversitesi